Kyle Sabo, a 25 year old Levittown high school teacher, was arrested on June 22 on charges of rape and other criminal sexual acts involving two high school teenagers, a boy and a girl, both younger than 17.  Sabo, who had taught social studies at his alma mater, Division Avenue High School, is charged with third degree rape and three counts of third degree criminal sexual acts.  He was arrested because he told another 17 year old lover about his exploits.  He would prey on students who came to him for advice.  Because Sabo was only 25 and had graduated from the same high school, Stephen Carollo felt comfortable around him.  He and other students often turned to Sabo for advice.  A lot of people talked to him as a friend, Carollo, 15, said yesterday.  Nassau police Det. Sgt. Richard Zito said that's likely the reason they believe Sabo was able to lure students into sex.  

(New York)