Daily News/World and National Report
Taurean Maurice Green, 17, Jamon Aiken, 17, and Charles Grant, 18, three of the 11 suspectsarrested in the gang rape of a mentally deficient 13-year-old girl chuckled as they walked into thecourtroom. They were charged with statutory rape and aggravated child molestation. As soon as thejudge started reading the charges against them, the smiles left their faces. Eight others have beenarrested and police said there might be up to 12 more suspects who were involved in the brutalassault, which took place October 13, 2000. Brody Staud, a spokesman for the Cobb County PoliceDepartment said, Two 16 year olds, a 15 year old, a 13 year old and a 12 year old are also incustody. As many as 25 boys and men ranging in age from 12 to 25 are believed to have raped andmolested the girl for 12 hours between the afternoon of October 13 and the morning of October 14.The girl was lured from her bicycle and into an apartment building, raped repeatedly, then taken toa second location and raped again through the night. She returned to her home around 4 am the nextday. Charles Grant, 18, Christopher Wyatt, 24, and Isaac Cummings, 18, are all charged withstatutory rape and child molestation. Dion Bowman, 25, has also been charged. An arrest warrant hasbeen issued for Raphael Joseph 22, who is still at large. The status of the remaining eightsuspects in custody is unclear. Police did not release the names of the remaining five suspectsbecause they are minors.
Two adolescent brothers have pleaded guilty to molesting the girl. The boys, ages 12 and 13,admitted to having oral sex with her. The boys each received two years' probation and they are toreceive counseling and sex offender treatment. They will be transferred to another Cobb Countyschool and have been ordered not to go near the victim.
Aiken and Green were each jailed for 10 years, April 21, after pleading guilty to participatingin the gang rape. Jury selection for 16 others will begin soon.
(Marietta, Georgia)
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