Steven Ostrin, a 51 year old popular teacher of the year at prestigious Brooklyn Tech High School, was charged on March 20 with getting fresh with a 15 year old student. He was arrested after the girl told her parents the history and social studies teacher hugged, kissed and spoke inappropriately to her when they were alone in a classroom March 2. Ostrin is charged with endangering the welfare of a child, a misdemeanor. He was immediately reassigned to desk duty when the principal learned of the girl's claims.
When Julia Haich heard Ostrin, her old teacher, was arrested for allegedly groping a student, first she felt sucker-punched, then angry. She had complained 2 1/2 years ago when, she said, she was the victim of Ostrin's roaming hands. She said school officials promised her that the teacher would retire when she graduated last June. I was guaranteed it, she said. I was like 'Fine, if I know that he's retiring and can never do this again, then I guess I won't go further [and press charges]. I broke down, the 19 year old said. I thought if I spoke up about what happened, it would never happen again...I was wrong.
Nearly a dozen current and former students of Ostrin made an impromptu support appearance at a pretrial court hearing and hugged, kissed and shook hands with him as he left the courtroom.
(New York)
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