Thomas Arthur Green, a 54 year old polygamist, who lives in Utah's West Desert with five wives and an estimated 30 children, has defended his lifestyle on national television, arguing that it is his God-given right, has been charged with child rape, bigamy and failing to pay child support. Green was charged after an investigation that lasted a year. He married some of his past or current wives, who include two sets of sisters, when they were just 14 and he was in his 30s or 40s. The child rape charge comes from an alleged relationship he had with a 13 year old girl, whom he had a child with. Bill Morrison, an attorney for Green's five spiritual wives and one former wife, said none of the women will testify against him. Green was convicted of child rape yesterday for impregnating the then 13 year old Linda Kunz, who is now his legal wife. He was found guilty in a non-jury trial. He could get up to life in prison at sentencing August 16. He is already serving 5 years for bigamy and other charges. He was convicted last year in Utah's biggest polygamy case in five decades.
(Salt Lake City, Utah)
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