Newsday/Paul Larocco
Troy Wallace and Carlos Perez, both registered sex offenders, are challenging a new SuffolkCounty law that intensifies monitoring of sex offenders by teaming police with a private advocacygroup.  They recently filed a complaint in US District Court in Central Islip against CountyExecutive Steve Bellone, police Chief of Department James Burke and Laura Ahearn, who heads Parentsfor Megan’s Law, the nonprofit that will receive $2.3 million over the next three years underSuffolk’s new law.  Wallace and Perez allege that the Community Protection Act, whichwas passed unanimously by the county Legislature on February 5 and became effective March 27,violates their civil rights by authorizing police and Ahearn’s group to develop sex offender“watch lists” without reason to believe they’re violating their registrationterms.  The police department, with help from retired law enforcement officers working forAhearn, will conduct regular checks on registered sex offenders to ensure they’re reportingcorrect addresses. 
(New York)