huffingtonpost.com/David Lohr

Lee Moir, a 34 year old Justin Bieber impersonator from Toronto, Ontario, was arrested byCanada authorities for the alleged sexual abuse of a 12 year old New Jersey girl.  Chargesinclude luring a child under 16, manufacturing child pornography and extortion.  He posed asthe 18 year old Bieber on Facebook.  He allegedly enticed the girl to perform sexual acts onher webcam.  She initially complied, but later stopped communication.  It was then,police say, that the man repeatedly threatened to harm the victims' family.   Moir wasreported to authorities and allegedly engaged in sexual conversations with an undercover officerand requested a meeting.  On April 4, Moir allegedly went to meet the undercover officer, atwhich time he was arrested by Toronto police and charged with abusing the New Jersey girl.  Ifhe is convicted he faces more than 30 years behind bars.  Moir had Facebook and ooVoo accountsin the names of Lee Oneel, Lee Moir, YodaYoda01 and Justy.Beber1.  Police are asking anyonewith information about other crimes allegedly committed by Moir to contact the Essex CountyProsecutor's Office Cyber Crimes Unit at 973-266-7213.  In other cases involvingimpersonators, in 1995, Michael Jackson impersonator Michael Johnson, then 30, of Orlando, Florida,was jailed for five years on child molestation charges.  Four years later, in 1999, ElvisPresley impersonator Bobby Doty, then 25, of Elmhurst, Illinois, pleaded guilty to second-degreesexual assault of a child under 16.  Doty was sentenced to 20 years inprison.