A SECOND LONG ISLAND PRIEST REMOVED (Action based on 1997 complaint)

Newsday/Steve Wick

Rev. Angelo Ditta was removed from active duty just two weeks after Bishop William Murphy saidthere were no credible allegations of sexual abuse against any active priest on Long Island. Thediocese has removed Ditta based on a complaint it has been aware of since 1997. Ditta moved to St.Margaret of Scotland in Selden and Matthew Mosher, who was molested by him beginning when he was 9,would visit Ditta and serve Mass with him.

Last week, the diocese also removed the Rev. Eugene Vollmer, an associate pastor at St. James inSeaford, because of allegations made by two brothers, Rainer and Mark Welzel. Since then, severalother people have come forward to police with accusations concerning Vollmer. Laura Ahearn, anadvocate for sexual abuse victims and founder of the group, Parents for Megan's Law, said she wasdeeply disturbed about how the Ditta case was handled. Bishop Murphy made a commitment to ourcommunity when he said there was no one serving in our diocese with a substantial allegationagainst him, she said. Now two cases have surfaced. They place more value on protecting theirpriests than they do our children.

(New York)