Time Beacon Record/Matthew Calamia and Dave Willinger
Steve Deturris, a 46 year old Sound Beach man, employed as a groundskeeper with the RockyPoint Union Free School District, was arrested early Tuesday morning for possessing childpornography. Deturris, of Stewart Road, was found to be in possession of Polaroid photos thatdisplayed children in a lewd manner. Plastic bags and containers with photos were buried inDeturris' backyard which included several pictures taken in the 1980s of young boys between theages of 11 and 12. Police were alerted to Deturris in early July when a man in his 30s,claiming to be a victim, came forward with information. For Laura Ahearn, executive directorfor Parents for Megan's Law, a nonprofit group that works to prevent sexual abuse, and whoaddressed the media along with Sgt. John Cowie at police headquarters, the fact that Deturris wascaught because of a tip is especially rewarding. Every single tip is taken seriously,Ahearn said. This case is a shining example. Detectives are asking anyone who may bea victim or has more information of Deturris to call the Computer Crimes Unit at 852-6279.
(New York)
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