CARA ALEXANDER, Virginia: 27 year old English teacher was arrested following aninvestigation that began after parents of her 17 year old victim found nude photos of the teacheron his phone. Alexander initiated contact with the student by giving him her cell phonenumber. She faces 13 felony counts in the case.
MALIA BROOKS, California: 34 year old who taught sixth grade at a Simi Valleyschool, was charged with committing lewd acts on a child and genital penetration by a foreignobject. She was accused of carrying on a sexual affair with a 14 year old boy. Sheeventually pleaded guilty, calling the acts a manic episode. She was sentenced to six yearsin prison.
BRIANNE ALTICE, Utah: 34 year old English teacher at a high school was arrestedafter an investigation revealed that she allegedly had a sexual relationship with a student. The victim, 15 when the illicit affair began, was able to accurately describe tattoos on Altice'sbody to police.
RACHELLE GENDRON, Massachusetts: a sexual education teacher at a high school wasindicted on charges including five counts of rape aggravated by age difference. Investigatorsallegedly found sexually explicit text messages and photos of the teacher in various states ofundress with genitals and breasts exposed on a cell phone belonging to a 14 year old boy, whom sheis accused of having sex with at least 5 times. She pleaded not guilty to the charges, buthas been fire by the school.
CHRISTOPHER KLOMAN, Virginia: a former teacher at an elite prep school wassentenced to 43 years in prison for sexually molesting vie female students in the 1960s. Thegirls, adults now, were between 12 and 14 at the time of the incidents.
TONYA FLINK, Texas: 40 year old computer teacher at a high school was accused ofhaving sex with several students. She pleaded guilty to two counts of improper relationshipwith a student, but was able to sidestep more serious charges after she married on of her supposedvictims and another refused to cooperate.
DAVID ELLIS EDWARDS, North Carolina: a 49 year old former middle schoolprincipal was accused of sexually assaulting a student in his office while the boy's unsuspectingparent was outside the room. Authorities said he molested at least three boys between theages of 11 and 14 from 2009 to 2011.
LAURA ELIZABETH WHITEHURST: 28 year old teacher was arrested two weeks after shegave birth to a baby that she conceived with a 16 year old student. After the allegationswere reported, two additional students, now adults, came forward and claimed they had sex withWhitehurst. She pleaded guilty to having sex with three different students and was sentenceto a year in county jail, and five years' probation.
ROBERT EARLE KEITH: In 1997, the karate instructor was found guilty of sexuallyassaulting a male student. More than 16 years later, and hundreds of miles from the pastincident, now 61, he was arrested again after three victims at his new dojo accused him of sexcrimes. Keith forced the boys, 15, 16 and 17 years old, to perform sex acts, telling theteens they had to join a secret society and please their master in order to get their blackbelts.
SUMMER MICHELLE HANSEN, California: the special education teacher faced 16felony counts after being charged with sex crimes against five underage students. One of hervictims told a detective that the teacher sent him inappropriate text messages suggesting sexualcontact that culminated in the teacher offering him sex as a prize for doing well in a baseballgame. Hansen pleaded not guilty to the charges.
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