Newsday/Robin Topping
John Vodicka, a 36 year old Baldwin High School science teacher and track team coach, wasarrested January 9, 2003, for sexually abusing a 16 year old female student. Vodicka, of 29 NorthStreet, Syosset, inappropriately touched the girl on four occasions between October 1999 and May2000. The abuse took place in an empty classroom during school hours. During that time, he alsoe-mailed pornographic photographs to the victim's house. He was arraigned on six counts of felonyfirst degree disseminating indecent material to a minor, and four counts of third degree sexualabuse, a misdemeanor. Vodicka, who has no criminal record, was released on $5,000 bail pending hisnext court date on January 13. If convicted, he faces up to 7 years in prison for each felonycount.
Vodicka pleaded guilty yesterday to disseminating indecent material to a minor and hassurrendered his teacher's license. He acknowledged sending a series of sexually suggestive e-mailmessages to the 16 year old girl. Nassau County Court Judge Donald Belfi told Vodicka he wouldsentence him to 5 years' probation on June 25. He is expected to be fired from his job and willalso be placed on the state's Sex Offender Registry.
(New York)
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